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![]() ![]() Interview Questions by Bob Schultz & Keith E. Williams Photography By Keith E. Williams www.Exoart.com It helps us make a better site
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![]() ![]() Julie: I like the Glamourcon shows mostly because I get to see and meet a lot of the girls and the Playmates whom I adored when I was younger. I looked at their figures and said, "Oh! I�m okay, I�m normal, I look like her, I have boobs like her," and then I meet that girl in person - it�s kind of cool. They are our sexy icons. It�s nice to meet the fans and see the joy on their faces when they get to meet you and share, take the pictures, and they share the pictures. It�s just ongoing. It�s like planting seeds that you are forever harvesting the fruits of - that�s something like Glamourcon. Joy comes from every angle. GC: You're the consumate model, how did you wind up on the other side of the camera creating photographs? Julie: Seeing my beautiful girlfriends laying around the backyard naked and having a camera just sitting on the shelf, I just go "aargh! I have to capture that image!" I didn�t think I could do it, but I took the film to the lab, and boom, magic! Five years and a quarter million dollars later, I�ve learned to be a photographer. Unfortunately, now I�ve kind of injured my back so I really only do very, very, very special jobs or celebrity jobs. ![]() GC: So what's the total count on the movies you're featured in? Julie: I�ve lost count. There are a few that didn�t make it to the video shelves, there�s probably like ten of those, but if I added up what I did this month and what I plan to do next month, probably close to 125 to 130. GC: That's a large body of work! Which is your favorite? Julie: I have to say Fit to Kill just because it was my first Andy Sidaris film and it was very James Bond like with a big budget look to it, a lot of special effects, and guns. It stars RJ Moore, who is Roger Moore�s son, so it�s almost like a real spoof of James Bond. GC: Role models? Julie: I think that Marilyn and Bettie are definitely my most important role models as they are for most any glamour girl today. There were a lot of beautiful women out there, but those two had style, the glamorous grace and the images that you just can�t stop looking at. You just can�t put a Bettie picture or a Marilyn picture down. You�re constantly searching � what was going on that day, the look in her eyes, was she sad or...? They had a face that told a story. I try to emulate them the best that I can. I feel that I do the best Marilyn and Bettie impressions of anybody. I do Jane Russell now, the bride of Frankenstein, and all kinds of stuff. GC: Do you have favorite photographers? Anybody you still want to work with? ![]() GC: What about models? Anyone you want to colaborate with? Julie: I�m pretty caught up with all my models that I wanted to shoot. But I haven�t done them justice and haven�t been really happy with all the pictures. I�d like to shoot Dita again, Mitsumi again, Aria Giovanni again. Tomorrow, Mamie Van Doren is coming � I�m her personal photographer, and she�s one of my best friends � she is just a hoot. Maybe she�ll share these photos with you from tomorrow and she can do an over the phone interview or something. And, Olivia and Mamie are my best friend in the world. GC: Any cool projects in the works, that aren't top secret? Julie: I�ve been doing some really great shows lately. Since I hurt my back I can�t do as much action, kickboxing and big gun wielding, so I kind of found a little niche in the horror market through Full Moon. I�m in every new movie they make that has to do with horror. I did a cameo in Bleed, then I played a teacher and my little sister got killed as a student in Birthright and now we just completed Delta Delta Die which is a sorority house cannibal girl movie. I�m the sorority mother and she�s a student so, they end up eating me as meatloaf at the end of the movie. Next we�re making something to do with Jeckel and Hyde and the next movie after that is called Killbillies. I�m gonna black out my teeth like a crazed bitch and make some shit happen killing people. So that�s fun, those movies are fun. ![]() I am sure that Delta Delta Die will be out by July and also I just completed the movie for Troma called Tales from the Crapper and I killed at least twenty people in that movie. Last week we just did the makeup day for it and I killed all of the guys from the band New Found Glory. I was just ripping out hearts and guts, poking people�s eyes out, breaking and flattening heads and smothering people to death. That week was a little tough on my back. GC: The future for Julie Strain Julie: I kinda found my new young Spielbergs and these people are going to progress in the business and I can kind of mold them and they do exactly what I want them to do so I have all my jobs as an older mother, a woman, and an old lady lined up for the rest of my life that way. You know, I�m just kind of hiding out in the business. I really don�t want to be a big star, I can�t do the publicity that goes with those big movies. But finally, my acting is good. Delta Delta Die, I really liked the whole thing. In the past I was a little monotone and stiff. You guys might not have noticed it, but I know I could have done better. I didn�t believe in what I was saying. Now, it�s like I get it. GC: You've produced a number of books, anything new on the press? ![]() GC: You mentioned your back injury, what happenend? Julie: It was a horse accident. My horse jumped a parked car about fifteen years ago. I was lucky to get this other extra fifteen years out of it. And then this summer, pulling kids in a toy car and saving the big dog from drowning in the pool, I got a bulging disk. It�s black and destroyed. Pain every day. Leaning over to brush my teeth is an effort. Like, I can�t cut vegetables right now. Just weird things, like I can�t move clothes on a clothing rack, which I love to shop, it�s just that sideways motion of pushing or cutting vegetables, very odd. GC: Can we deliver a message to the fans? Julie: Boy we�re glad you�re there, we�re glad you like comics and sexy women and pinup and all that good stuff. If it wasn�t for you, we wouldn�t have anybody to perform for. Basically, that�s what we are - performers and entertainers and you�re our audience. We�re happy that you�re there. Don�t leave. ![]() Julie: Sure, there is a members section. There are 20,000 pictures online and there�s updates twice a week, a picture of the week and email of the week. I am very active on the guest book and on the dream book. My fans and friends can write to me and I can write back to them. There are at least two big photo galleries a week, personal interaction on the dream book, and lots of other kinds of bits of information. We give them as much as they ask for, except for a live camera in the house and that�s just because I�m not as fun as I look. They don�t want to see me sitting here all day like this and that would be pretty much what they�d see. Wake and bake. GC: Any last comments for the fans? Julie: You know, I think my big thing in life is for people to be alive and live long, healthy lives, and I think the way to do that is to have safe sex, stay away from hard drugs, live a clean life, wear your seatbelt, get a designated driver, take a cab home, get a hotel room. I know too many people who have been killed by that and anytime I�ve put a notice out on my site the end of it says, "Don�t drive drunk, please." I have two friends who are in wheelchairs because they drove with a designated driver who was drinking. One person can use his hands and one cannot. Very heartbreaking. GC: Thank you for spending your early morning with us. We appreciate you sharing some of your life! Take a moment or two to view the photographs of Julie displayed below. Check Julie's site soon for more interview and photos - at www.JulieStrain.com in the very near future.
www.JulieStrain.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
www.JulieStrain.com |
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